Talking to Jesus about the Unknown

Lord Jesus, it’s Monday. The beginning of the week. And I think it’s going to be a weird week. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I realize that I never really know what is going to happen, moment by moment, let alone week by week, but these days are especially unknown. The Corona virus is affecting everything, from what’s in my pantry, to the way I do my job or if I’m even allowed to do my job. And it’s posing a danger to people I love. I confess that I am anxious. I’m anxious about getting it, I’m anxious about giving it to someone else, I’m anxious about providing for my family and protecting them and I’m even anxious about  being anxious.

I know that You know all of this, but I feel like I need to say it. Out loud. The Bible says that there were times when You saw people struggling, and You had compassion on them.  (Mark 6:34)  I believe that You are having compassion on me now, because You love me. Sometimes I feel like I should be handling things better, but I want to be like You, and You are compassionate, even to me.

In fact, it’s Your compassion that makes me brave. Because even though I don’t know what tomorrow, or this coming week holds for me, I know You.  And You are loving to me. Your love is extravagant, powerful, intimate, in this moment and for eternity. You are fierce and gentle, and Your compassion is everything. You are also not hampered by time like we are. So You are as present in my tomorrow as You are in my today. Which is mindblowing, and I don’t really understand it, but I believe it.

Since You are already in my tomorrow and You know what my future holds, could You prepare me for it? And I will trust You to do that. Please help me to trust You more!

Jesus, I love You. And I want to love people with Your love. I can’t do that if I am afraid. Help me to choose love, because I know that everytime I do, a bit of anxiety is pushed out of my heart. Your word says that perfect love drives out fear. (1John 4:18) You are perfect love. Please fill me with Your love. Just the thought of Your love driving out my fear makes me want to sing for joy!

Thank You, my dear Jesus. You are everything. When I didn’t want anything to do with You, You still fought for me, and sought me and loved me. Help me to bless Your heart today.




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